Ross Moore
2017-11-12 22:10:26 UTC
hereâs the minimal example.
Iâve encountered an issue with the Utopia font, as loaded with the Fourier package.
It affects the PDF content stream when \pdfinterwordspaceon is in effect.
A minimal example is attached, with the PDF content stream shown
afterwards, both with and w/out the Fourier package loaded.
/F18 10.0364 Tf 17.945 0 Td [(Th)1(i)]TJ/F20 1 Tf( )Tj/F18 10.0364 Tf 15.24 0 Td [(s)]TJ
instead of
/F15 10.9091 Tf 34.272 0 Td [(This)]TJ
Interword fake-spaces are being (incorrectly) inserted in the middle of some words,
as well as (correctly) between words.
Hope someone can help get this fixed.
Dr Ross Moore
Mathematics Dept | 12 Wallyâs Walk, 734
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
T: +61 2 9850 8955 | F: +61 2 9850 8114<tel:%2B61%202%209850%209695>
M:+61 407 288 255<tel:%2B61%20409%20125%20670> | E: ***<mailto:***><>
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hereâs the minimal example.
Iâve encountered an issue with the Utopia font, as loaded with the Fourier package.
It affects the PDF content stream when \pdfinterwordspaceon is in effect.
A minimal example is attached, with the PDF content stream shown
afterwards, both with and w/out the Fourier package loaded.
/F18 10.0364 Tf 17.945 0 Td [(Th)1(i)]TJ/F20 1 Tf( )Tj/F18 10.0364 Tf 15.24 0 Td [(s)]TJ
instead of
/F15 10.9091 Tf 34.272 0 Td [(This)]TJ
Interword fake-spaces are being (incorrectly) inserted in the middle of some words,
as well as (correctly) between words.
Hope someone can help get this fixed.
Dr Ross Moore
Mathematics Dept | 12 Wallyâs Walk, 734
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
T: +61 2 9850 8955 | F: +61 2 9850 8114<tel:%2B61%202%209850%209695>
M:+61 407 288 255<tel:%2B61%20409%20125%20670> | E: ***<mailto:***><>
CRICOS Provider Number 00002J. Think before you print.
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