[pdftex] latex word count process not dying
James Naadjie
2016-08-22 13:54:51 UTC
I’m trying to get to the root of zombie latex processes. I have to manually kill long running latex processes. I’m unable to determine while the processes aren’t dying.
Here’s the process tree. As you can see below the latex word count.tex process has been running for 2days.

/bin/sh /usr/aps/eduser/complooknew -m BS12877 -k -l -h
carlene 10298 9566 0 Aug19 ? 00:00:00 \_ /opt/apps/eop-cmdline/current/ruby/length-check/scripts/lengthcheck.rb
carlene 10301 10298 0 Aug19 ? 00:00:00 \_ sh /opt/apps/eop-cmdline/current/ruby/length-check/scripts/wordcount.sh prcomp.tex
carlene 10306 10301 99 Aug19 ? 2-10:16:23 \_ /aps/texlive/current/bin/x86_64-linux/latex wordcount.tex\csname ?\endcsname
Martin Schröder
2016-08-22 14:11:00 UTC
I’m trying to get to the root of zombie latex processes. I have to manually
kill long running latex processes. I’m unable to determine while the
processes aren’t dying.
Here’s the process tree. As you can see below the latex word count.tex
process has been running for 2days.
Check the log file. And use batch mode.

