[pdftex] Bug report - pdflatex hangs when internet connection is on
Antonio DiCesare
2017-05-13 08:45:13 UTC
Dear All,

I'm using TeXLive 2016. When I run pdflatex (both from command line and using TeXworks) it hangs about 20-30 seconds before the compilation starts.

It happens only when the internet connection is active. When internet is off, the compilation starts immediately.

I am willing to provide you with any detail you may need.

Hope you can help to solve this boring issue.

Kind regards,
Karl Berry
2017-05-13 22:16:39 UTC
Hi Antonio, pdftex doesn't do anything on the network itself. Thus I
wonder if it's a matter of some antivirus program working differently
when the Internet is on, or some other difference in system
operations. Unfortunately I can't guess how to proceed. --best, karl.